Tuesday, November 5, 2013
MALCOLM March 28, 2002 - November 4, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Affair at the old Post Office Part 2
Pictured above: The downstairs basement hallway where I spoke with Tommy.
I felt like I had met her before or had known her. I continued to go downstairs to where the washrooms were, and there was Tommy at the bottom looking up at me. He said, “You came back! Did you see my mom?” I told him I saw a young lady looking down from the top of the basement stairs. Tommy said, “The man won’t let me go upstairs, and the lady can’t come down. Can you go talk to the lady?” I told him I couldn’t talk to her just yet. I just had a glimpse of her. I told Tommy that if she trusts me, she will talk to me. But it could take some time. He continued to ask me if I would try, and I told him I would. We stopped in at the Café 13 many times over the next few weeks, getting to know the people and also talking with Tommy. I also saw the lady, just a glimpse here and there. The weather soon warmed up, and Café 13 opened up their patio for the summer. We stopped in to have a drink and lunch, sitting out on the patio.
Pictured above: The third floor of Café 13.
Most of the people were outside enjoying the weather on the patio with just a few patrons inside. I went inside to walk down to the washroom, and the lady was standing at the top of the stairs again. She didn’t move from the top of the stairs; she smiled at me, and right then I knew who she was. Her name was Emily. She finally spoke to me for the first time. She said, “I can’t stay on the first floor too long because the man won’t let me, but my son is trapped in the basement. Can you come to the third floor?” I told her that I would ask the owner. I went to find Adam, the owner of Café 13. I explained to Adam that I did paranormal investigating, and I asked him if I could do an investigation of Café 13. He said yes. Later I asked the staff if there were any strange things, paranormal activity, going on while they worked. They said that people saw a little boy in the basement and a lady on the third floor. I explained to them I did paranormal investigations and did one a few years ago across the street at the Fiddler Green Bar. I continued to say that there was a young lady that took her life at the Fiddlers Green and she was pregnant at the time. I told them that the lady on the third floor of Café 13 was Emily. A customer told me that Café 13 had rooms upstairs for rent before it became a bar. In July, Carol and I went to the third floor and asked Emily why she hasn’t moved on. Emily told me that she couldn’t move on until she and her son could be together.
Pictured above/left: The second floor area. Pictured above/
right: The first floor sitting area.
She also said that the man on the first floor stops them from being together. Tommy can’t come up, and she can’t go down. I spoke to the man who was keeping them apart and told him that he can only be free if the woman he loved could hold her son. About two months later, we stopped in at Café 13 and saw Tommy and Emily at the top of the stairs holding hands. The both looked at me, smiled, and then disappeared. A very happy ending to say the least. So it appears that the story of the affair at the Old Post Office did not end there. It moved over to Café 13, where mother and son eventually reunited. Café 13 is still the friendliest place, and the atmosphere is that of going into the past. If you get a chance, stop in and get to experience great food and people at Café 13.
As detailed in Part 1 of this story, Emily had
hung herself while she was pregnant with Tom
my. If that was the case, how can an unborn
child (Tommy) take a “physical” spirit form?
I ran into this instance once before when an
unborn child spirit took on a physical host hu
man body. I was in Inverness, Scotland.
I was visiting relatives in November 1985. I
went to a grave yard and saw a lady named Pat
and a girl. The girl was seven. I talked to the
lady and asked her why she was still here and
why she couldn’t move on. Pat told me she was
scared to leave. She was 23 and pregnant with
her daughter when she died of Scarlet fever.
I asked her if the young girl was her first
child. She told me no, that she was her unborn
child. I asked her how this was possible. She
said that a spirit is a spirit and that it doesn’t
matter if it’s not yet removed from the womb.
In the womb, she was alive, and they were
meant to be together. It’s like true soul mates.
Life can take you on different paths, happy
or not happy, different jobs, different towns.
But, when you found your true path, when and
where and how, you know it’s the right path
and it doesn’t matter what happens. It’s like
every day is happy.
She told me that if her daughter was born,
she would have been very sick and died at the
age of seven. I told Pat that if she moved on, her
and her daughter would probably be together
again sometime, somewhere. Pat smiled and
thanked me. She said she hoped that I was right.
For the next three days I returned to where
I saw Pat and her daughter and just felt a very
happy and peaceful felling.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Affair at the Old Post Office
I called the couple that I worked with and asked them if they wanted to do an investigation with me. It wasn't a problem they would come. As we arrived, we parked in the lot across from the post office. The lady with us took out her video camera and started to take video and the camera fogged up. I seen an apparition of a light in the third floor. It looked like a girl. As she was waiting and watching me the camera started working. Then we all smelt something burning. It was the camera! It just died! They went back to the vehicle and got out the back up camera and we decided not to take the video outside. We went in and met with the owner and he told the waitress to walk us around.
We started in the basement. As I was walking down about half way I was cold. I asked the waitress if there was heat on down here and she said "yes, but this happens from time to time". The waitress went back upstairs because she doesn't like coming down to the basement. As we were standing there the mans voice said to me, "I told you, she's mine". At that time the camera fogged up again. We decided to go up to the second floor and I saw a warm but peaceful light that moved across the ceiling and then came down the wall. The camera picked this up so I went to the window as I thought it was a cars head lights. As I walked around the room the light followed me and there were no cars around. It was the girl whom I seen in the window from outside. She spoke to me saying her name was Emily. I turned to the couple with me and told them what she had said her name was Emily. They were both freaked with excitement.
We then worked our way up to the third floor. The light went right to the rafters and then we all seen the apparition of a girl in white. She was hanging. I asked her if that was her, Emily. She came down and stood beside me, took my hand and said, " She was sorry, she didn't know what to do." Emily had a long time affair with the post master and was with child. Emily continued to say the post master gave her many false promises of the two of them being together. She was starting to show in her pregnancy and the post master told her he didn't want to see her anymore and if she said the child was his to anyone that he would deny it. He told her she would look stupid and would be outcast. Emily said, "I was so scared and didn't know what to do. I was so heart broken and so upset and no where to go. So, I did this, I am so sorry."
Emily seemed like she was ready to move on and wanted someone to forgive her. I told her that love does lots of strange things to people, and it wasn't her fault. I asked Emily if she wanted to go and she said, "He won't let me go." I took her by the hand and I said, "Let's go". We went down to the bar and the old post master was standing in the door way to the outside. The camera caught a big orb by the door and a little white light beside me. I walked over to the post master and said, " Emily is leaving and that he, the post master, did enough damage. You didn't want her when she needed you the most so stand aside!" Emily and I walked outside and I said to her, " You are free now", and she said, "Thank you". The camera caught an orb gently floating high up into the dark night sky.
There was a really good peaceful feeling. I said to the couple, "That was pretty cool". They couldn't believe what they saw. The couple were amazed. I asked them if they wanted to go for a beer and talk about all of what happened and they agreed. Several years later I found out there is another part to the story.....
Stay tuned for part 2
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Short Sad but True
Princeton, Ontario Farm House
Bay View Tavern, Hamilton Ontario
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
House Hunting May 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
You never know when you are being watched!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Joseph Brant
A week later he came to me in another dream and I told him for what he has done he must live in the worst part of the world with hardly any food or medical supplies. He must stay there for 7 consecutive years. If he dies within those 7 years he must start that life all over again. He said he would accept that punishment and that was how his debt was repaid. I have not heard from him sense.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Demon Dog
Unbelievable out of body experience
The next morning, I heard on the news that there was a serious car accident with 2 fatalities. Without releasing any information on the victims I got a cold chill. Later that evening, when driving home, they released the information that an elderly couple had been crushed to death.
Hospital Prediction
The next morning I went in early to talk with her before work and she was sitting on the end of her bed. And later that day she told her family what I had said to her and in 3 days she went home.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Otter Lake Haunting Parry Sound
They fell in love as soon as their eyes locked on each other. Their names were Naketa & Charlie. Naketa, a beautiful native, slim, 5'2 long black hair and eyes that reflected the moons rays as if it were silk. Charlie a well built man 5'9 with a hardy laugh and a kind gentle smile, had a Scottish accent that would carry softly across the treetops as the softest summers breeze. Their love for each other is as strong as ten happy life times together, for they were true soul mates. Charlie was a logger gone 5 days a week, when he wasn't working, he was writing Naketa love songs and poetry. He canoed to and from work each weekend. Naketa kept the house, gathering flowers and herbs for her mans return. There was a big storm on that fatal night and the loggers begged Charlie to wait till morn. Be he couldn't wait to be in Naketa's arms for he had bought a ring for her. Naketa was late, for she was making things just right; she had news for Charlie she was with baby. When she reached the point Charlie was not to be seen. In the depths of her stomach she new something was wrong. She paced the point and along the lakes edge in that cold stormy night for more than two hours. She ran to get help more than an hour away. In the morning the searchers looked for Charlie and found no sign. Hours passed and then they found Charlie's paddle for he carved a heart in it with Naketa and his name. Hours later they found his canoe and still not Charlie. Naketa fell to the ground weeping for she now knew Charlie wasn't coming home. The ladies helped her to her feet and wrapped a huge wool blanket around her, she was silent and just starred at that lake that took her lovers life. Three weeks passed when they found Charlie's body. Naketa was weak for she wasn't eating. Her heart was broken into millions of pieces. Soon after, she went for a walk. The night was cool and the moon was full, it was a perfect night. Her pain was so deep when she threw herself off the point, hoping to be with her man. Her body was never found.
During my visits to Otter Lake, I spoke to both Naketa and Charlie as they searched for each other. I gave them a time and place for them to meet. Ever since then neither one can be found. I am hoping they have found each other and will find each other again in another life.
Brantford Residential Haunting
Friday, August 14, 2009
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre Custom House
George was nicknamed the caretaker. When the building was vacant he decided who could stay in the building and who could not. You can see his orb on the white table pictured below. His spirit still remains in the building to this date.

George & Dark Lady are here in this picture together in an old elevator stairway.
George's orb is at the top of the steps and the Dark Lady is at the bottom.

The Dark Lady still resides in the building at the main stairwell going to the second floor where the mirror/mantle piece was located. She is pictured here at the landing.
I would work in the building until 1 to 2 in the morning by myself painting and I would have conversations with the Dark Lady. She said she would like to ballroom dance and I said I didn’t know how. But when I returned home to sleep I found myself back at the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre/Custom House ballroom dancing with the Dark Lady. We did this many nights. This is the hallway where we had our conversations.
There was a cat killed in the room you see in the door. It was the black cat that was seen in between two panes of glass in the front window in picture 3 from time to time. The cat belonged to Katie whom you see in this picture below.

This is the wall where the word “Murder” kept reappearing as I was painting. I painted over it at least 7 or 8 times. It seemed as though they were using their fingers to write. This is the left hand side of the hallway far down to the right. There were many witnesses to this occurrence. Approximately 6 weeks after the woman’s spirit who wrote the word “Murder” was released. She no longer resides in the building.
A woman who volunteered at the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre/Custom House had a dream of a rape as I did also. It happened in the basement coming off the elevator to the left, the last room on the right.
There were 3 men around the girl having the dream. In her dream someone came into the room and removed the three men off of her. In my dream, I was the person who took the three men off of her and the spirit of the lady being repeatedly raped was released out the front door and was never seen again after this night. All that remains of this occurrence are the bad memories in that room. About 2 to 3 days after I was explaining my dream to the curator and she told me that one of the volunteers had told her the same dream.
Several months later I was doing an investigation with an internet company. I was with two of their employees with a camera in the basement. We took pictures in this room and we saw the brimstones of hell opening up. It totally disabled the camera and took in the three men who raped a lady as it closed. It opened in the left far corner as shown in this picture. After that night, there are only slight instances of poltergeist activity.
Since my last visit to the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre/Custom House, the spirits have calmed down a lot. There are only 3 spirits left in the building, that of the Dark Lady, George and the little girl Katie.